Course Offerings

Had enough boring screen time? No more.

Lead365 virtual programming offers engaging courses (and a previously recorded conference) to sharpen your leadership competencies, gain tools for the workplace, focus on career preparedness, and stay on your game!

Coupon codes are available for group purchases, as well as, various payment options. For more information call: 508.864.4027

Introducing The Gen Z Hub

Leading the Conversation on Generation Z

We are excited to partner with Dr. Corey Seemiller and Dr. Meghan Grace from The Gen Z Hub to offer 10 online courses to help you better understand, engage, and work with members of Generation Z. The Gen Z Hub’s online courses are guided by numerous studies and resources on Generation Z. Courses focus on topics such as communication, motivation interpersonal connections, groups and teams, health and wellness, aspirations, learning, leadership, and social change are designed to enhance your learning while helping you develop strategies to effectively connect and work with Generation Z. Learn more at

Use the code: lead36510 to get 10% off!